Monday, December 20, 2010

A wretched week, and a lot of angry commuters

Big news, the Providence/Stoughton line is welcoming a new member to their family...

TF green airport!

A new transportation center opened up near TF Green airport in Warwick Rhode Island, and how better to celebrate than add on another stop to the commuter rail and cause massive delays to the rail while commuters  wait in the freezing cold!

Oh Happy Day!

As you have gathered, these delays have done nothing to help the genuine spirit and morale of early morning commuters. Last week, I had to twice wait over an hour in the cold for a train to come. And when they do, it is usually overly crowded because of all the people waiting at the other stops.

Needless to say, this has been great for people watching.

Typically, the scene is set by hundreds of commuters, waiting on a platform shivering, constantly murmuring their immense dissatisfaction with the states public transportation system.....

But the thing is, Commuter rail is like Dunkin Donuts- they could mess up your order every day but you would still wake up and go back for more.

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