Monday, November 22, 2010

Just another Manic Monday...

The Scene: Mansfield Train Station

Gloomy and Gray Monday, November 22nd 2010. The typical 8:05 crew has lined up near the yellow line (but not over it) to ascend the iron steps to commuter comfort.

Populus is dressed mainly in black felt-peacoats or otherwise- and many patent leather shoes.

CUE: Train Approaching, please stay behind the yellow line. DING DING DING

And then....disaster.

Today was a day like many others. The train approached, people stayed behind the yellow line, and then a wave of anger swept over the professional faces. The train...normally 8 cars long....was 2 short today.

The crowds went wild. People were scrambling to the cars they thought would be the least populated. The anger was escalating. I heard one woman who had jet black, poofy 80s hair and whispy bangs angrily cry out "WHAT IS THIS!?" to which an equally annoyed, average looking gentleman responded "ITS A TRAIN!!"

I walked past that crowd to the opposite end of the train. I boarded, and lo and behold, there was an available seat next to a pleasant man equipped with a bicycle (The kind that fold up....they are allowed on during peak hours). He seemed to also mildly enjoy the surrounding dissapointment of the drones, and I sat there, playing soduku, as each stop brought more and more angry monday commuter maniacs.

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